Mini Panther Gifts
When your mini panther brings you a gift.
Yup, this just happened. This little fellow was deposited under my vanity. Don’t worry folks, I picked up the little peeper and deposited him under a bush far away from my backyard. He seemed shaken up, but since he managed to roll over and flap his wings, I figured he was ok, just stunned and extremely weary of cats.
This little sweet girl, who loves to cuddle and chats with me all day is also a fierce & ferocious hunter. She can’t help it, Shadow Breeze was born into a feral colony and her mom did an excellent job teaching her how to hunt. So, although she is pampered and well fed she can’t escape her nature. Actually, I love that part of her nature, because when vermin, such as cotton rats and country mice, enter my/our yard, this excellent hunter keeps them at bay, and prevents them from choosing my/our home as their new residence.
It gets a little wonky when this landscape & nature photographer comes face to face with a baby bunny or, as in this case, a little flapper who had the misfortune to land in the yard guarded by a mini panther with an excellent hunting track record. But hunting and little flappers aside, what warms my heart is that she brought me a gift. When Shadow Breeze & her brother boyfriend Milo, catch a bug, a small mammal, a bird, anything else in the yard, typically it has been eviscerated before I can free or prevent them from consuming it.
However, when Shadow Breeze brings prey into the house, especially to me, it is a gift. That means that this wonderful ball of fur is demonstrating her love for me and portrays it by bringing me a gift. Milo does that too, except he doesn’t bring me live prey, he usually brings me his favorite toy, after he has washed it. So, sometimes I wake up with something wet in my hand, or on or near me.
There is something to be said about the unconditional love, gratitude, and friendship a mini panther bestows on her hoomin. And I for one am grateful, Shadow Breeze chose me to be her hoomin and for the gifts she brings me.
#BlackCats #MiniPanther #Gifts #Cats Almost #Caturday #Birds #hunting