I Remember and We are Not Going Back

Zakar in Hebrew means remember. אני זוכר ani zocher = I remember. 
I remember Hurricane Maria
I remember the cruelty from trump & the GOP
Like an elephant 🐘 I remember

Recuerdo | Marc Anthony for Harris-Walz 2024

I remember the mismanagement of COVID by trump leading to millions of infections, the most in the world, and unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands

‘To heal, we must remember,’ President-elect Joe Biden says during COVID-19 memorial

To Heal We Must Remember

Vote Like Your Life Depends on It

Your politics are your own and in a normal election I would state my position and respect your choice if you didn't select my candidate(s). But this is not a normal election. A large segment of trump followers are radicalized and conditioned. They are blinded by partisan politics and hate. Trump supporters will elect a fascist to own the libs. 

These are not normal times. Women are dying because medical assistance is being withheld. The Governor of Texas spent billions harassing and harming people seeking asylum at the southern border. Yet Governor Abbott has not fixed sex trafficking like he promised. He has not resolved rapes like he promised. And he has done nothing for the poor, the working poor, and those who cannot afford medical, dental, rental or home insurance. He has stoked and fanned the flames of hate as he as aligned himself with trump. There is nothing righteous nor Christian about him.

The same can be said for Ted Cruz, who fled to Mexico February 2021 when his constituents in Texas were freezing and many died. The selfish callous cad even left his dog to freeze alone in that cold house. 

Texas is not a red state

Texas is not a red state. It actually elected democratic governors in the past. Texas is a gerrymandered, voter intimidated, voter suppressed state. You have a choice, you can cower in fear and not vote and reap the consequences of your inaction. You can vote red and continue down the path of authoritarianism in this one party state that rivals China. Or you can be courageous, vote your conscious and vote them ALL out.

I am not a democrat. I was actually a republican for decades. When I turned 18 and was eligible to vote I selected the democratic party. Then I noticed something in NYC. Democrats showed up for votes but then you never saw them again. So, I did my research. I learned the about the roots of both parties. I knew the racist dixiecrats jumped ship from the Democratic party as it diversified in the 1960s and co-opted the Republican party. Until the 1960s most Blacks were republicans and voted republicans. That change occurred during the Civil Rights Movement.

But I chose the republican party because at least they followed up after the elections, and they listened. At least they did in Pennsylvania. Then I moved to Texas. And I saw the vile partisanship, hatred, and oppression of people of color. I became an Independent. To be honest, I always voted like an Independent, I chose a party to vote in the primaries. And in Texas I still vote in the Republican primaries, because its one way to not be taken off the voter roll and voter intimidated. They think I am one of them. I AM NOT.

I'd rather America was a multi-party state so that one party could not hijack our democracy. We aren't there yet. Because one party, the GOP, is fascist, authoritarian, operates under group think and is not for the people. While the other party, Democrats, is increasing diverse, holds their people accountable and is quite different from the Democratic party in the early 1990s that made me switch my party affiliation.

The choice is clear Texas - Colin Allred for US Senate.
The choice is clear America - Kamala Harris for President.

Any other choice will sign a death sentence to our democracy and take this nation back to the dark times of state sponsored terrorism. Back to a time when many people groups did not have rights because of their hue. Back to a time when only the elite had access to excellent health care. Back to a time when poverty was high. Back to an ugly time in history that frankly states like Texas and Florida don't want students in school or higher education to learn about. They prefer to white wash history, radicalize, and condition people to hate.

But you know what? We Are Not Going Back

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